Over Redemption Insurance
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Over-redemption Insurance

What is Over-redemption Insurance?
Over-redemption Insurance (also sometimes called Over-redemption Coverage) is a type of insurance that is purchased by businesses to protect themselves financially in the event that a promotion ends up becoming more successful than was originally anticipated and/or budgeted for. Over-redemption insurance is commonly used by retailers, advertising agencies and brand managers to reduce the financial risk of a running a marketing or sales promotion.
Fixed Fee Coverage
100% coverage at a fraction of the payout—that’s the idea behind SCA’s fixed fee program. That means that with your grand prize taken care of, your budget is freed up to design and market a perfectly-tailored promotion.
Over-Redemption Coverage
In case your promotion does better than expected, SCA is there. Our over-redemption coverage ensures that you’re taken care of if you get too many redemptions for your offer. With our proprietary system, you only pay for redemptions up to a certain point; SCA covers the rest.
These programs include: In-Pack/On-Pack Contests, Instant Win games, Coupons, “Try Me Free” offers, money-back guarantees, and taste challenges.