
The wallpapers or photos in "Mazaindia.com" are either scanned by us from various magazines or have been obtained from various Internet sources like Google, wikipedia or related websites. The copyright (if any) of these pictures belongs to their original publisher / photographer / copyright holder as the case may be.
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This site is meant for people who like revealing pictures of Indian actors and actresses. If seeing revealing pictures of Indian actors and actresses, models and stars is offending to you please leave the site immediately. This is not a place for fake and nude pictures of Indian actors, model & actresses. If you are looking for them please leave the site.
Care will be taken not to host any fake manipulated pictures. Dream Computer or Mazaindia.com is no responsibility if any picture or content is found to be manipulated. However please do complain using the contact by cell so we can remove the particular picture or content.
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All of this media has been found on sites claiming it is public domain. If this content is not public domain, and/or you are the content owner and would like to see it removed - please email us and we will certainly remove the offending material. These may only be downloaded for personal use as a desktop wallpaper.
Our main purposes give more information about India and Bollywood in at one place.
Happy Browsing or Surfing ........